Sunday, May 20, 2012


How much time do you get for yourselves, mommies?

I did not use to have a regular me-time since I had Caitlin. When I feel down and ugly though, I make sure to get some time-off to have a facial, mani-pedi, foot spa, massage, or even shop for some necessities - all by myself! Sometimes, my me-time could be as simple as watching the TV at home, or having ice cream - activities that I still do not share with Caitlin.

But now that Caitlin's a year old and seeks a lot of fun outdoors, I find myself needing regular me-time. I can't seem to keep up with her more active self nowadays, especially with another growing baby in my tummy.

So every afternoon, when she wakes up after nap time, I feed her and let her go out and walk with our helper while I catch up on some work, or just rest and chill.

Every weekend, I've also arranged some me-time to jog. Yes, even at four months pregnant, I still do it. Before I had Caitlin, I was hiking some 10-50 kilometers on the mountain trails of Hong Kong on weekends and running for an hour after work on weekdays. I led a very active lifestlye and it was a shame that I stopped when I had a baby. After a year, I can feel its toll on me. I easily run out of breath climbing stairs now. Then, I only felt that when I was due with Caitlin.

My me-time also includes going out for a date with my husband. We sure miss Caitlin when we do that, especially when we see other families with their babies or toddlers in tow. But it also feels good to dress up, wear make-up, replace the diaper bag with my purse, and leave my nursing clothes and bra at home. Besides, we can't bring her to the movies when she's not even allowed TV at home. And when her grandparents are free, they take her and bonding with them will be good for our daughter too.

Now that I've experienced having a regular time for myself, I can no longer imagine living without it. It's still uncertain how my schedule will be like when baby number two comes out, but I still have months to enjoy my regular me-time before October.

How about you, mommies, do you get some me-time? If so, what do you do with it?

- Mommy Smiley

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