Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tutorial: baby onesie with tutu

Babyland at Eastwood Mall sells a cute white onesie with sewed in pink tutu for Php490 which I found irresistibly cute. But while looking at it, I thought what could be more exciting than sewing one myself for Caitlin?!

Now, the key here is to find a really good material made of breathable fabric such as cotton so she can actually wear this without irritating her skin.

I went all the way to Tutuban to buy a good cotton (CVC), one in white (Php280/kilo) and another in baby pink (Php300/kilo). (Yes, that's in kilo instead of yard. That's the minimum sale per fabric = one kilo. For the CVC cotton that's roughly 2.5 yards. That's a lot for one onesie.). For the tutu, I got some tulle and lace from Carolina’s Lace Shoppe at SM Megamall.
Omi Creates offers a free sleeveless onesie pattern for home use. But since I want mine to have sleeves, I used Caitlin’s old onesie as a guide.
Once you have the patterns printed out, let’s begin.

Free tutorial and onesie pattern from Omi Creates.

Cut your pattern pieces.

I prefer to sew the bindings first.

Join them together on the dots marked in your patterns.
So it’ll look like this on the outside.
If you want it with sleeves, insert the sleeves here.
Pin them together and sew.
Cut your tulle and pin on fabric as such.
Do your second layer and sew.
Add some lace then sew.

Hearts as added embellishment.

Stitch this by hand while making sure that not a strand of thread is showing on the outside.

 Do the same on the other side.

Press some fuse on the inside.

So it will look polished on the inside.

Pin and sew the two pieces together.

And there you have it. But you are not done yet. This needs some snap on buttons which requires a special equipment. You can have it done at Kamuning Market for Php10 apiece.

See how clean it is inside.

Go try it on your baby.

View from behind.

I forgot how curious she is and how wild she is with colors. I bet she'll try to put the tulle in her mouth if and when she can.

Happy sewing!

- Mommy Smiley


  1. so pretty smiley! i think one day you'll have your own line of baby clothes! :)

  2. thank you, kat! i am just enjoying what i am doing right now. whatever may come out of this, you'll be in the know. =)

  3. That's so cute and creative Smiley! Tipid pa! There are plain onesies on eBay pero mga P400+ per set ata.

  4. Hi Roxi! If you count in the labor, hindi rin siya tipid. hahaha. But since it is super fun, go lang! =)

  5. Thank you so much! I've been looking for good tutorial.
