Sunday, April 29, 2012

Caitlin turns 1, a birthday party preview

All boxed up and ready to go. After a day's work, I finally finished the birthday girl's cake!

Caitlin's first birthday party will push through today. We had to move it from last week to allow her to heal from baby measles (roseola infantum). She's now well and we pray that she'll enjoy her Gymboree party this afternoon.

- Mommy Smiley

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Sleeping and waking up next to a baby have their own pros and cons, but mostly pros - the cons just need adjusting to.

If you are a breastfeeding mom, co-sleeping is more convenient than having your baby sleep in his or her own crib or in another room. You don't need to stand up, just roll over to where your baby is, lift up your shirt, and let your baby do his or her thing while you continue on with your sleep.

Also, you can easily soothe your baby when he or she suddenly wakes up in the middle of the night crying. Sometimes, babies just need the comfort of your embrace, gentle pats on their buns, or a few strokes on their backs to get back to sleep. Co-sleeping allowed us to be there for Caitlin as quickly as possible everytime she achieves a milestone such as teething or sitting up and she gets irritated, uncomfortable, and couldn't rest on her own.

Co-sleeping also helped my husband Jay make up for the time he was away by snuggling with Caitlin at night.

But co-sleeping is not an easy thing to do the first time. The thought of having a baby near and the possibility of crushing him or her while you sleep soundly are enough for some parents to decide against sleeping with their babies on the bed with them. You also have to adjust to a smaller space and be conscious of the movements (and sounds) you make so as not to disturb the baby in his or her sleep.

Meanwhile, those who have fairly adjusted to a sleeping baby by their side are rewarded. They could wake up in the middle of the night with the soft, gentle touch or caress of their sleeping baby on their arm, neck, or face. They could wake up in the middle of the night with a still sleeping baby slowly crawling on their tummy or in the crook of their arm and finding his or her position there.

And when the morning comes, they wake up to the sight of a beautiful and peaceful-looking baby. When you stay long enough for your baby to wake up, you are greeted with the most wonderful smell in the world. A baby's natural scent is an aphrodisiac that easily captures the hearts of his or her parents.

It's no wonder why a "baby's breath" fragrance and skin care market grew.

At times, when your baby wakes up ahead of you, you'll be surprised at the many ways that he or she makes to awaken you too such as stroking your hair, patting you, hugging you, or even leaning against you and dancing.

When Caitlin was a newborn, we had her on a bassinet placed on our bed. It was a difficult time because the bassinet took up space and created a divide between Jay and I. When Caitlin grew out of the bassinet, we placed pillows between us to shelter her from our movements and create some sort of safe zone for her. Eventually, we put her on her crib while Jay confessed to having separation anxieties. Later on, Caitlin's back on our bed again. Her choice this time. But since she's bigger, she's no longer as fragile and we can move her around to make space for us. When she started moving a lot, we no longer put a blanket around her. She doesn't like it, and there's also the danger of suffocation. When it's cold, we put her on pajamas, but she's fine even without them.

Also, to co-sleep with your baby and still be comfortable, try getting a bigger bed.

- Mommy Smiley
Waking up daddy.

Sleeping on her crib.

Sleeping on a bassinet.

Who wouldn't love waking up next to that?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sick baby

My sick child only wants to nurse, cuddle, and be carried. It's been four days and we badly miss her Miss Universe wave, her pa-cute smile, her many tricks, and even her sometimes unmanageable ways during diaper change. Get well soon, anak.

- Mommy Smiley

Friday, April 20, 2012

Breastfeeding: one year on

Breastfeeding: day 1.

When asked about the first word that came to mind about breastfeeding, I answered "natural." Women have been giving birth and nursing their children since time immemorial. I believe that breastfeeding is normal, a natural course of event, and is expected of mothers.

No one in the first and only breastfeeding support group I attended shared my thoughts. Even as I look back now, I realize that the breastfeeding moms who were there also do not view breastfeeding anywhere near "natural."

When I finally nursed Caitlin, I realize that my expectations have been misplaced. My belief that breastfeeding as a natural course of life for women is now in the remote past.

I learned that the practice has been lost to a lot of women and mothers today. I, myself, was not breastfed long enough for my mom to know what to expect when you are breastfeeding. So this is also why breastfeeding support groups are very important. Without them, it's too easy to fall into the trap of feeding your child formula thinking that you do not have enough breastmilk to give. Without them, it's too easy to give up at the first sign of nipple tenderness thinking that it will only get worse. Without them, it's too easy to give up breastfeeding all together because of the many interrupted sleeps thinking that you'll never sleep tight again with a baby suckling from you.  

There is a wealth of knowledge in books and internet about breastfeeding, but nothing will comfort you best than a loved one or a fellow breastfeeding mom.

If I wasn't nearly due, I would have attended the succeeding meetings and stayed longer to bond and learn more from the breastfeeding moms in attendance. It could have saved me the embarrasment of talking to complete strangers, as if I have no other family and friends to help me, about what I am doing wrong and how to correct my breastfeeding booboos. They could have told me how silly the word "natural" is to breastfeeding and explain why. I would have learned the proper latch, ways to prevent nipple injury and engorgement. Or, simply, tell me how my life would completely change and revolve around the time when my baby feeds from me.

Many thank yous

My determination and perseverance to continue breastfeeding Caitlin would have been nothing if it weren't for my husband Jay, a total stranger and now friend Cha Antinero, breastfeeding advocate Miann Reyes-Oblea, a college friend and mom-of-two Mara Evangelista, and my co-blogger Raquel Chua.

Thank you for all the virtual pats in the back and you-can-do-its. I share my one-year breastfeeding milestone with you, and I am sure that Caitlin is thanking you, too.

Breastfeeding: Day 366. (Because 2012 is a leap year).

- Mommy Smiley

Tutorial: party pompoms

 Decorative party pompoms.

Decorative pompoms are an easy and fun way to glam up any themed party, and I just learned how to make them in time for Caitlin's birthday bash, thanks to my sister-in-law who's a natural DIY queen when it comes to event styling.

What you'll need:

Crepe paper in any color
Thin wire or floral stem (#26 or #30)
Matching strings or satin ribbons

 Prepare your materials. I bought all these at National Bookstore.


Decide on how big or small you want your pompoms to be then cut your paper into rectangle pieces, the width will determine its diameter when opened.

For medium pompoms, making use of a full crepe paper, that's about 12 pieces of 10" x 12". You'll make a smaller one when you use 10 pieces of the same size.

For twice that size, cut 12 pieces of 11.7" x 15.5". The excess, which measures 4" x 4.3", may still be made into tiny pompoms.

Large and medium pompoms.

Place the rectangle pieces together and trim two opposite ends to make scallop edges. Although you can do it freestyle, it's best to work with a pattern, especially if you are making a lot of pompoms.

 Scallop edge.

Then, starting from one straight edge going to the other side, make a folded fan out of it, roughly half an inch in size.

Secure with a thin wire in the middle and place a ribbon.

Starting from one side, gently peel the crepe paper one by one as if opening a banana. Finish it off on the other side.

There you go.


You can also use Japanese paper, but I find crepe papers easier to handle because they are thicker so they don't tear easily. Crepe papers, the basic ones, are also less expensive than Japanese papers.

Happy crafting!

- Mommy Smiley

Caitlin turns 1, a poem

My dad composed a poem for the birthday girl who's sick on her big day. Get well soon, anak.


At twenty thousand feet enroute to Calgary
I pull a faithful companion from my hand carry
An iPad that conveniently stores
Photos of her who is so pure.

Browsing from page to page I see
Countless images of a smiling baby
Whose absolute beauty from head to toe
Is unequalled by the snow capped Rockies below.

From angelic poses on a chair
To one with a coiled towel on her hair
To proudly showing her two front teeth
Her charm will drive you to your death.
From yoga stance from bed to floor
To a drunken walk towards the door
To a grin that wrinkles her nose
Seeing them you will never ever doze.

From a perplexed stare at grass so green
To gazing at balloons flying to the beams
To wearing a new dress Mommy sewed
Forever to these photos you will be glued.

What more I ask if in person I see
Hug, kiss and cuddle this amazing baby?
My heart will leap I imagine it to be so
For my granddaughter is irresistible and true.

By: Bernie B. Julve
12 April 2012, South Western Canadian Skies


And here's a picture countdown of Caitlin Audrey's first 12 months.

0. Day 2 at the hospital.

1 month. Wearing the kimono I sewed her.

2 months. Smiling, happy baby.

3 months. Bringing her hands together for the first time.

4 months. Sitting on her own.

5 months. She found her feet.

6 months. Peek-a-boo.

7 months. Standing on her crib.

8 months. Happily eating her greens.

9 months. Rocking the froufrou onesie with matching headband that I sewed her.

10 months. Ears pierced.

11 months. Stroll in the park.

12 months. April 19, 2012. Sick with thrush. =(

- Mommy Smiley

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sneak peek at Saffron's 1st birthday party

I am so sorry I wasn't able to update you guys. I have been busy preparing for my son's 1st birthday. To be honest, I was extremely pressured during the preparations. 

Time flies by so fast. I am now getting emotional again. I can't believe that our son Saffron is now a year old. I can still remember how excited we were when we found out that I was pregnant, how scared we were when I experienced early contractions, and how excited and scared we were when Sam finally came out but more on that at a later post. 

So as Sam turned a year old, here's a sneak peek of the party we threw in honor of him. More pictures to come soon. =)

- Mommy Raquel

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Let us rejoice for Jesus has risen. Take this time to bond with family, reflect and celebrate! Enjoy your weekend & be safe! Happy Easter everyone!

- Mommy Raquel, Daddy Jon and Baby Saffron Chua

Friday, April 6, 2012

Investing on a good car seat

 Here's our Sam well-behaved on his car seat.

We're heading south for some R & R (relaxation & reflection). When we're traveling, we always let Sam sit on his car seat. Better safe! You have to start them young with the car seat. Of all the car seats we checked-out, only Capella "tito" car seat can be used from three months up to seven years old. Really good buy. The Capella car seat is well padded and has a five-point harness.

- Mommy Raquel

Thursday, April 5, 2012

UPDATED: Stretch marks-free on our pre-natal shoot and beyond

A couple of days from now, my Saffron will be turning one. I am getting all emotional this early. When still pregnant with him, I remember how worried I was about stretch marks and how my belly would look like during our pre-natal shoot.

I'm sharing with you guys our pre-natal shoot and brag, at the same time, about my smooth and stretch marks-free tummy.

Our pre-natal or maternity shoot was done by Jamie Lihan of Imaginenation FOR FREE! Lucky right!? We received this as a gift from Imaginenation which also served as our photographer during our wedding. Our shoot was done in its studio along Araneta Avenue.

The proud parents with our pakwan! Hahaha!

The little details. Did you notice the rabbit stuffed toy? We got it for free from Swatch, and I thought it was the perfect gift because Sam was born in the year of the rabbit.

So if you ask me, like most of my friends do, whether I have stretch marks on my tummy even after giving birth to Sam, I am proud to tell you that I have none. Here's my tummy. No photoshop here. It's all natural!

Pregnancy allowed me to clean my belly button. Hahaha!

So, what's my secret to a stretch marks-free tummy? Although some would argue that it's all about the genes, in my case genes would not help. You see when I was on my teens we have noticed stretch marks on my thigh part and knees. So I know that when I get pregnant I will sure get stretch marks on my belly.  

This is the proof that I have stretch marks on my knees, not from pregnancy but from puberty. 

Stretch marks on my inner-thigh again from puberty and not from pregnancy. 
I am just lucky that I am fair skinned, the marks are not too noticeable. 

While me were getting ready to get pregnant, I've asked my dear friend Malene from Canada to send me some Bio-oil, as soon as we knew we were pregnant we smothered it around my whole body. We have smothered Bio-Oil for the whole 6.5months until we can no longer get it. We then switched to Dr. Palmers Organic Stretch Marks Cream (not the lotion). And thanks to my husband Jon for helping me smother two very effective products on my tummy. I also didn't grow my nails and I always put on gloves at night - just in case I accidentally scratch my tummy. And these worked for me.

My husband helped me put on Bio-Oil and Dr. Palmers Organic Stretch Marks Cream on my tummy.

Dr. Palmers Organic Stretch Marks Cream and Bio-oil.

Here's a short description on the two products that I used. Please note, however, that results from use of these products vary from individual to individual.

Bio oil:

When the body expands faster than the covering skin, the skin tears, forming a scar as it heals. These scars are visible on the surface of the skin as stretch marks.
The likelihood of developing stretch marks varies according to skin type, race, age, diet and hydration of the skin. Those most prone to stretch marks include pregnant women, body builders, adolescents undergoing sudden growth spurts and individuals who experience rapid weight gain.
Stretch marks are permanent in nature, and although Bio‑Oil is formulated to help improve their appearance, it can never remove them.
Bio‑Oil should be massaged in a circular motion into the stretch marks, twice daily, for a minimum of 3 months. During pregnancy, it should be applied from the start of the second trimester to areas that are prone to stretch marks such as the abdomen, breasts, lower back, hips, buttocks and thighs.
Results will vary from individual to individual.

Dr. Palmer's:

Palmer’s Organics Massage Cream for Stretch Marks helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks, naturally. A special combination of Cocoa Butter, Aloe, Vitamin E, Soybean Oil, Collagen and Elastin lubricates the skin, helping retain its natural elasticity and moisture.
Made with organic ingredients this Palmers product is:
* Paraben Free
* Propylene Glycol Free
* Mineral Free
* Cruelty Free
* Support Fair Trading Farming

Up until now, I still use Bio-oil on my skin (which my sister who is based in Canada supplies me with).
Unfortunately, it's not available for sale in stores in the Philippines. You can, however, find online sellers who may have stocks of this product.

- Mommy Raquel

Pregnant again

Pregnancy test kit taken on February 28.

When the pregnancy test kit came out positive one Tuesday morning, the first words that came to me was: "Oh no!"

A few minutes later, my husband Jay peeked inside our bathroom door with a grin on his face while I was still transfixed and caught in between that state of awe and shock.

Awe at another miracle of life and shock at the suddenness of it.

Hands on both my red and hot cheeks, I told him it's positive. And even though it was Jay that I was talking to, I believe that I sounded more like a panicked teenager than a married mother of one.

There were too many things on my mind all at the same time.

Wow. Another baby. Could it be a boy? Oh, I hope it's a boy this time. But Caitlin's not even a year old yet. I want to continue breastfeeding her. I am not ready to wean. She's still not ready to wean. Would pregnancy be a problem? What about tandem breastfeeding? How do we tell Caitlin that she's going to have a sibling soon? Has my body already recovered from my previous pregnancy? What will my labor be like this time? Will I still have time for myself and my hobbies with two children to take care of? Educational plans are costly.

To all these, Jay replied with a hug. I didn't even notice that I was talking out loud.

We checked with my OB-Gyne later that day. The ultrasound confirmed the pregnancy, but it did not capture any cardiac activity. So we were told to wait for another two weeks.

Unlike my previous pregnancy which felt like a breeze, I feel all sort of stomach aches, hunger pangs, headaches, and even acne outbreaks this early with this one. My tummy also gets too round when I am full and flat again when I am not. With my first pregnancy, I had to wait for five months before the visible bump showed and Jay didn't hear me complain even as I felt the contractions come in (I chose to be productive then).

Two weeks later, the ultrasound caught a heartbeat as my husband and Caitlin looked on. Eight weeks and three days, the sonographer told us on Mar. 16, and due on Oct. 23. It would have been more surreal had the sonographer let us hear the baby's heartbeat. Hearing it for the first time is like your child happily greeting you. It makes your heart melt and your eyes wet. But it must have been her time of the month so she was that mean despite my repeated requests.

As we leave the hospital, it still hasn't sunk in yet - even as the nightmares and cravings have returned, even as my tummy bulged, even as my husband kissed my belly and talked to his "son."

I am happy, although it didn't show much because I am scared too. I think I am more scared now than the first time because I've felt the pain and soreness of labor, delivery, and newborn care. Suddenly, I felt tired all over again due to disrupted sleep.

But through all these emotions is a husband who acts like an anchor, keeping me grounded and making me feel secure.

It will be different this time with Caitlin around, we know that. But just as I start to think about how difficult it could be, Jay reminds me of our beautiful blessing.

Our family of three is growing. Caitlin will have a playmate - something that we'd always hoped for. I am not getting any younger and another child at 30 is better than five years later. The experience of lamaze during labor is still fresh to us, and for Jay, the routine of checking in at the hospital and paying the bills.

The shroud of mystery and uncertainty brought in by the first born had been unlocked. I am more confident at breastfeeding now than when I was starting with Caitlin. For the many instances that we've relied on our instincts to take care of our first born, now we have the wisdom of that experience.

Thinking about the baby's gender, personality, how he or she would look like, and the many milestones he or she would achieve make me anxious and excited to meet our new bundle of joy.

Besides, if there is anything more wonderful than watching a child sleep, it's watching two!


PS: I've written this entry weeks ago, but decided to time it's publishing today - a Holy Thursday. Same time last year, Jay and I were on our way home from the hospital with Caitlin and I've never been more scared in my life. It will only be just us two at home with a baby. There will no longer be a buzzer to press and call for a nurse to help us figure out her cries and discomforts. There will be no parents to share their vast experience with infants by our side. It will only be just the three of us, and I still recall how I asked my mom-in-law to stay with us even for the night as my husband quietly listened, sharing the same fears that I have without telling me. She didn't stay, and it was just us three for the whole of Jay's paternity leave. And surprisingly, we survived without any need to call for emergency to our relatives or rush to the hospital. Caitlin must have felt our fears and decided to go easy on us.

- Mommy Smiley

Playing with crayons

Caitlin has been practising her grip with pens and crayons for some time now. It may still be too early for that because she'll soon shove it in her mouth the minute you glance elsewhere. But since she's seeing me and her ate write, there's no stopping her from copying what we do. Best to watch over her instead of telling her she can't have her crayons yet, I think. Or better yet, we should get her a toy crayon made of plastic that she can safely chew on. Anyone knows where we can get that?

- Mommy Smiley

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Shopping is more fun with breastfeeding stations around

Mommies, you don't need to cram inside smelly toilets or pay P10 for some luxury to change an irritable baby's diaper when at Shangri-la Plaza Mall. Just head to the mall's breastfeeding station at level 2, in between The Ramp and Planet Sports, and get that quiet nook that you need.

The breastfeeding station not only has two diaper changing mats but it also comes with outlets for pumping milk, a refrigerator to keep them cold, and a kettle for hot water to heat them up.

The room is very spacious and may accommodate up to five breastfeeding moms, all seated, at the same time.

And if nature's calling, the room is just adjacent to a ladies' toilet.

A clean and full baby and a refreshed mommy make for two very happy shoppers.

Thank you Shangri-la Plaza Mall!

Individual sofas.

Other amenities.

Two diaper changing stations.

Wash bins.

- Mommy Smiley