Monday, December 19, 2011

Get-together with lamaze classmates

It's amazing how Mommy Raquel and I started this mommy blog eight months after we last saw each other during the farewell lunch of our childbirth class. Through emails, texts, and calls, we kept in touch and talked about everyday mommy stuff from breastfeeding to our baby's poop.

Finally, we meet again one Saturday for dinner with our little ones, and we again talked about everyday mommy stuff from breastfeeding to our baby's food this time. But it was a whole lot better talking personally while seeing the daddies play with the babies.

Apart from our husbands, Rosie, Jing, and their daughter Isha also joined us.

Attending the lamaze class was just one of the many adventures the three of us shared together. Apart from being first-time moms, Raquel, Rosie, and I gave birth at the same month and breastfed our babies at least up to six months. Raquel and I are still at it. But we each have different stories to tell regarding our experiences during labor, and our lives after that.

Rosie developed PUPPP, a skin allergy, on her 38th week and had to undergo an emergency C-section when her nails turned purple. Isha was a small baby at around 5 lbs when she was born, but she quickly packed on the weight and she's now the heaviest despite being the youngest among the three babies.

Raquel told us how she had tried to stay away from using an epidural during her labor, but eventually relented when the pain was too much to bear. At that time, she was already dilated by nine centimeters. It was a quick three-hour labor and delivery for her though.

I had a natural childbirth. But unlike Rosie and Raquel who were both prepared with their balls and other lamaze paraphernalia, Jay and I only had ourselves. We may look unprepared, but we managed using the breathing techniques and by keeping calm throughout the six-hour labor and delivery.

Among us, Raquel probably had the most interesting story to tell when she underwent a strict one-month po ge lai diet after giving birth. For thirty days, she was restricted to warm food and drink which also meant no water and bath for her to regain the warmth lost from her body during labor. Just imagine how she managed not to take a bath for a month, and I am sure you'll have lots of questions in your head. And so did we. Did you know that she had to use gloves when she bathes Sam just so she won't have contact with water? How she also reconciled breastfeeding Sam successfully by only drinking mostly tea and not water is one for the book. But enough about that, you'll hear more of her triumphant po ge lai story when she tells us about it on this blog or in any other medium. Wink, wink. =)

Less words, more pictures this time. Oh, and have a merry Christmas everyone!

Mommy Smiley with Caitlin and Mommy Raquel with Sam.

 Jing and Rosie with their daughter Isha.

Mommies' day off. It's the daddies turn to take care of the babies.

Mommies' turn.

L-R: Jon, Raquel, Sam, Rosie, Jing, Isha, Caitlin, Jay, and Smiley. 

 - Mommy Smiley


  1. Oh my gosh! Hello Mommies! If only Oscar, Jacob and I were home we would have went. Please please next year let's get together? I would love to reconnect! :D I'm following your blog now! Visit mine too :D - Roxi

  2. Hi Roxi! Nice to hear from you. Yes, let's plan another one next year. Send us a link to your blog. =)

  3. It's :-) I'll post a link of your blog on mine.
