Wednesday, February 20, 2013

B is for Bath Time and Brushing of Teeth

B is for Bath Time
I often hear some of our mommy friends complain about brushing teeth and bathing. When Sam was a new baby we were terrified at giving him a bath. He would often get cold or cry his lungs out. He was like holding his breath until he almost turns blue. We would usually blow to his mouth just so he would stop. It was scary. But those were the days. When his Godfather Francis gave him his first tub that all changed. When we got the Tummy Tub we found it really weird and unsafe. We then began to research about it and watch the DVD that came along with it. After watching and carefully studying it. We then decided to give it a try. Lo and behold...It was a huge success! No more crying...No more getting scared. Sam was just plain happy and relaxed. Inside the tub he feels He was inside my belly. He was loving his bath time. 

Here's Saffron @ 3months first time to use his Tummy Tub, look at that face 
and @9 months enjoying loving his tub 

What does a Tummy Tub looks like? It looks like a regular pail but convex inside. Making a copy of the curve of the tummy of the mom. The only downfall of this tub is that we can not find the stand that comes with it. Accessory/attachment that you need to make it easier to use. Tub is like a pail so its either you place it on the floor and use a small stool that you can sit on while ginving your child a bath or you put this on top of the table...but it would be to hard to reach. It would be better to just put it on the floor. I just wish we can get the attachment. =) 

Saffron enjoying his Tummy Tub 
photo take last Sept 6, 2012 he was 1 year old and 5 months

When we started using the Tummy Tub we no longer had problems with bathing Sam. He loves his Tummy Tub that until now he loves using it. We make it a routine so he know after play time and lunch comes bath time. He enjoys this time with me playing and then while still on his tub we brush his teeth. Now thats the problem. 

Bath time is fun time with mommy. 

B is for Brushing Teeth
When Sam was about a year old, we went thru some traumatic experience with giving him his medications. He was prescribed with Clindamycin. The taste was so awful that we had to mix it with honey or ice cream just so he can swallow it. During those times we had to force-open his mouth. I think somehow it had a bad effect on him every time we try to open his mouth. So brushing was one of those things. He would often bite me while brushing his teeth. I was strict with brushing his teeth since he loves sweets. One of the things that we do so I could brush his teeth was to allow him to think his bitting me. I made sounds and funny facial expressions just so he thinks we were playing. It was a plus points that while we were doing this his inside his tummby tub secure and still somehow relax. 

He feels secure inside the tub. I highly recommend it. We have been using it since his 3month old.

Then one day, while I am getting tired of getting bitten and Sam out smarted me that he finally figured that I am just making a fool out of him...the funny facial expressions and sounds are no longer effective.  This time brushing was a real struggle. I wanted to shout at him...I waited and compose myself. Then I remember the old saying... you are your child's 1st teacher. They mimic what you do. 

Hmmmm... like how they love going for the remote control, suddenly they start to get your mobile phone and how surprise we were when our son Saffron knew how to open and close an iphone and ipad. So I got up took him with me to our comfort room. Sat him next to me and took my tooth brush and showed him what I was doing. 

At first he was just looking at me then after a few seconds he tried to grab his Baba's toothbrush. I got him his toothbrush and let him brush his teeth. 

Every night, we have a new routine for him. He wears his frog suits, goes to his Baba watch patiently while his Baba would prepare our toothbrushes and then when all done he will call me Mimi so we can brush our teeth together. 

A simple family bonding but very effective! Group toothbrush with our little boy! Practicing him as early as now with proper oral hygiene!

The family that eats chocolates together.... Needs to brush together!!! #mybabysaffron

Now with this new routine, there is no bitting, no crying, no struggles and we can now smile with our pearly white teeth. =) Happy brushing everyone! 

Mommy Raquel  

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