Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Yummy recipe: Tuna Panini with cheese

What's for breakfast? Tuna Panini with cheese.

My husband has been complaining that I sleep too much. So for the past couple of days, I started waking up early… early enough to make hubby his breakfast: yummy Tuna Panini with cheese.

I made the tuna spread the night before and stored it in the refrigerator in time for breakfast the next day. It’s simple and very easy to do. Here’s the recipe.


Kraft Miracle Whip (my husband’s preference)

2 cans (180 g) Century Tuna Flakes in Brine (drain the water)

2 medium sized onions (chopped)

Salt and pepper to taste

Kraft cheese singles

White bread


Mix all the ingredients together except the cheese and white bread. Others add more mayonnaise, some like it with more pepper. I want mine with more tuna.

To arrange the sandwich, set the Panini grill to medium to high heat (depending on the time you have to prepare this). I used to own an Imarflex Panini grill. It’s so easy to handle. All you have to do is plug it in and wait for the green light then you are all set. Now, however, I am using a more sophisticated gadget, the Cuisinart GR-4N 5-in-1 Griddler (special thanks to John and Cathy Villamiel for the best wedding gift ever). As it is, this can be used as a Panini grill press or a Griddler for grilling Angus beef burgers.

Get two thick slices of white bread. Smother one side of the bread with tuna spread, add a slice of Kraft cheese singles and top with the other piece of bread.

When the grill is ready, place your assembled sandwich then "press" Panini until you achieve your perfect browning.

For your husband or child’s baon, wrap the sandwich in foil and slip it inside a zip lock bag such as Glad. Wrapping the sandwich in foil keeps it warmer longer.

Happy eating! 

Cuisinart GR-4N 5-in-1 Griddler

Tuna Panini.

My soon to be organized kitchen counter. Sorry, I am in a hurry (excuses!).

Hugs and kisses,
Mommy Raquel

1 comment:

  1. Hi Raquel,

    I also have a tuna spread recipe. But I add pickle relish and pineapple chunks (I drink the juice or use it to marinade some meat). One can of tuna in brine (180g) = one can of pineapple chunks. The tuna spread is very filling and the sandwich is a yummy treat for baon, breakfast, lunch or even dinner with (not so healthy) potato chips! I have yet to make a Panini sandwich though, maybe I should ask Jay to buy me a Panini grill. Hahaha!

    - Smiley
