Everyday Mommy Diary's resident pastry chef and owner of Mama Chows Raquel Chua with husband chef Jon will be holding a free cooking demo called Gourmet Healthy Baon at the Medela House on Oct. 19 at 11:00 am.

Chefs Raquel and Jon are seasoned speakers, and the free demo is their way of giving back the many blessings that they have received. Raquel's lactation goodies through Mama Chows have helped a lot of breastfeeding moms increase their milk supply so that they may continue to provide for their little ones. Each cookie, cupcake, and ensaimada that she bakes is packed with galactagogues or ingredients that have been associated to boost milk supply in humans such as fenugreek, brewer's yeast, and oats, among others.
Attendance to the demo is free, but the seats are limited to 50 due to space so registration is required. Interested participants should send in name, mobile number, email address, and instagram name to mamachows@gmail.com.
Also on the same day and place, the Learning Basket will be holding its first book bash from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.
The Learning Basket is your online resource for pre-loved children's books. All books have been lovingly chosen by owners Mariel Uychiengco and Sanne Unson to provide reading and learning pleasure not only for your tots, but for you too.
Brand new books, toys, and gift items will be made available as well.
"It will also be a great time to just chat about parenting, books, and homeschooling!" exclaims Mariel.
It's another free event, but registration is required so the organizers will know how many persons to expect.
Please register here: http://www.thelearningbasket.com/events/the-learning-basket-book-bash
Aren't those enough reasons to look forward to Saturday?
Fun and learning are guaranteed. Just don't forget to register!
- Mommy Smiley
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