Sunday, January 29, 2012

Yummy recipe: Lactation cookies

Oatmeal chocolate chip lactation cookies

I don't have issues with my milk supply, but since these "lactation cookies" involved baking, why not give it a try?

I got this Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Lactation Cookie recipe from a fellow breastfeeding mom. Submitted by Noel Trujillo for, this recipe combines two things I enjoy doing the most these days: baking and producing more breastmilk for Caitlin for storing or donating to other babies.

This oatmeal chocochip cookie is like your usual recipe but with the addition of brewer's yeast and flaxseed meal to, as they say, increase the breastmilk supply of nursing moms.

Others believe that brewer's yeast and flaxseed meal serve as galactagogues or any substance which increases breastmilk supply. Brewer's yeast is rich in vitamin B while flaxseed oil contains omega-3 essential fatty acids which may aid in the production of hormones needed in breastfeeding. To date, however, there is still no published scientific proof as to the effectiveness of herbal remedies in increasing breastmilk supply. Most of the evidence are based on traditional use. So as these herbal remedies may work for some, they may be ineffective for others. Some suggest trying out the various galactogogues to find out which works for you. But the wrong way to view these herbal remedies is to take it as a miracle pill that will solve your breastmilk supply issues. What's more important than taking any of these is to nurse often and for as long as your baby wants to. And try to be close to your baby as much as possible.

Here's the recipe copied from

1 cup butter
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup brown sugar, packed
4 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons flax seed meal
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
3 cups rolled oats
1 cup chocolate chips
2-4 tablespoons brewer's yeast

Pre-heat oven to 350 F. Mix the flaxseed meal and water and let sit for 3-5 minutes. Beat the butter and sugars together. Add the eggs and mix well. Add the flaxseed mix and vanilla. Beat well. Sift together the flour, brewer's yeast, baking soda, and salt. Add the dry ingredients to the butter mix. Stir in oats and chips. Scoop onto baking sheet. Bake for 12 minutes.

Healthy Options sells Flaxseed Meal for Php 199 and Brewer's Yeast for Php 805.

Prepare your ingredients. I always have flour, chocolate chips, rolled oats, white and brown sugars, vanilla, eggs, and unsalted butter on hand for my home baking needs.

Add Brewer's Yeast to the dry ingredients.

Your cookie dough.

Scoop them onto cookie sheets.

Bake for 12 minutes at 176 C.

Let cool.
Have one or two (or more) a day.

Same as before. Here's my milk during one pumping session afer eating these lactation cookies for three days.

- Mommy Smiley

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Labor pains

Preparing for labor for a first-timer like me meant surveying other moms how theirs went. The usual answer went: "Masakit. Sobrang sakit." As to the degree of pain, that's subject to the listener's interpretation. After several similar answers of "it's painful" in one form or another, watching youtube videos of strangers in labor and delivery seemed inevitable. (Warning: not for the faint-hearted.)

It was only after my mom-in-law recommended that my husband and I attend a childbirth class that some sense finally got to me. There, I learned that early labor pains are not usually as bad as I interpreted and that you could even sleep through it as I did! The pain intensifies during the transition phase, peaks when you are in active labor and about seven centimeters dilated, then it plateaus.

Women shouting and cursing their husbands while giving birth may be true for some, but not for me. My experience was more calm and compose. It left me tried and sleepy during most parts, but every bit of me had a full sense of what's happening, save for the time. I couldn't track the time except for the moment I checked-in at the hospital at 10:10 am, and when I finally gave birth at 3:49 pm. My husband stepped out to eat for some 20 minutes while I was in labor and I thought he was gone for hours! Who would blame me? While my birthing coach was out to eat, my doctor broke my water bag and I transitioned into the most painful part. So I did curse, but only in my mind.

So if you ask me now how giving birth is, I'd say, "Masakit. Sobrang sakit!"

But as I tell my friends, too, "Women have been giving birth to babies since time immemorial. Your body is built to handle the pain."

Happy nine months to our bundle of joy!

Caitlin at birth.

- Mommy Smiley

Monday, January 16, 2012

Drinking and breastfeeding 2

It was a good and very relaxing weekend spent with the family. To cap it off, I had a drink during dinner. Look at that huge margarita glass! I couldn't finish it though since I will be breastfeeding in a while.

Tony Roma's Lime Romanita on the rocks.

Someone wants a sip too.

- Mommy Smiley

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Playing under the sheets

Oh how she loves this game. I hide her under the blanket and she goes and looks for me. Or I play peekaboo with her. Sometimes, she even goes under my shirt and I peek inside.

Where is Caitlin?

- Mommy Smiley

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Breastfeeding at SM

And here's the Breastfeeding Station at SM North Edsa. It's located in between Bench Fix and Silverworks on the ground level of the Main building.

The breastfeeding area comes with a wash bin, and is also equipped with outlets for the mommies who need to pump their milk. A toilet is located just outside the room so you need not wait in line at the public cubicles.


Before you leave, don't forget to sign the guest book with a word of "Thanks!"

- Mommy Smiley 

Sleeping Caitlin

It's been eight months and the feeling remains the same. Putting a baby to sleep is just wonderful.

I let Caitlin play with her toys on our bed while I browse the internet with my phone. The next thing I knew, she has fallen asleep on my tummy.

- Mommy Smiley

Monday, January 9, 2012

All rise

One day, she's lying down on her bassinet. The next, she's sitting comfortably on her own. Then she's standing by herself. Pretty soon, she'll be walking on her own and I'll be all teary-eyed as she waves me goodbye for school.

Caitlin has been practising standing by herself since Christmas.

- Mommy Smiley

Breastmilk donation

For the hungry babies affected by typhoon Sendong in northern Mindanao, here's Caitlin's stash. I've decided to donate Caitlin's frozen breast milk to Medela House since she only prefers direct feeding since last month. I would have pumped more if she had slept a lot. But I noticed that she naps less and less during the day since the year began.

- Mommy Smiley

Feeding your baby

Caitlin began eating solids more than a week after she hit her sixth month. I would have wanted it sooner but she got sick and her pedia adviced that we clear her of phlegm first. Otherwise, she might find it difficult swallowing and turn the whole eating experience unpleasant.

Her first food were mashed banana and breastmilk. She devoured it happily. We then moved on to mashed carrots, squash, papaya, avocado, sweet potato, potato, melon, honey dew, and sayote, following the three-day rule. That is, introducing new food every three days to check for any allergy.

Eating solids for the first time. Mommy's the photographer as usual.

We found it hard trying to get her to eat carrots. We literally had to cheer her on everytime. But she liked it eventually.

The story wasn't the same for potatoes. For every spoonful she took in, she would spit half of it, despite our encouraging cheers.

So for her next potato experience, I added something else. I sauteed a bit of chopped onions in butter, added skinless and seedless tomatoes, cheese, and put in the mashed potato. She loved it.

I have also served her cooked chicken with onion and sweet potato sauteed in butter.

I got all the recipes from Annabel Karmel's Top 100 Baby Purees.

I taste everything that I serve her first to make sure that it's not only edible, but also delicious.

I then tried a new approach and gave her cucumber sticks after she finished her mashed honey dew. The idea came to me when I saw Mommy Raquel with baby Sam eating finger food.

It looked like a wonderful experience for Caitlin, but I was a scared mommy. Because Caitlin already has four teeth at that time, she can gnaw her cucumber sticks. On a few occasions, she bit big chunks that I had to open her mouth and take it out for fear that she might choke on it.

Looking like an expert eater.

That's how happy she looked while eating on her own.

Later on, she was gumming the cucumber sticks and that felt more safe. The best part of it all was the fact that she was chewing and swallowing the whole time. When we feed her mashed food, she seldom chews and swallows the whole thing immediately.

On her eight month, I let her feed herself steamed broccoli florets and minced chicken for lunch. It looked exciting for her, but it continued to be a frightening one for me. See gagged everytime she swallowed a floret. But on her third try, she seemed to learn what to do and took her sweet time chewing until she swallowed it bit by bit.

During dinner, I wasn't as scared although I was still on my toes. The worst part of it was the mess. There were bits of chicken down her diapers. Don't ask me how it got there.

Happily eating.

Got food?

There are no more mashed or pureed food for her, but it is now mostly cut up into pieces. Once in a while, we let her feel her food. But since she does not put it in her mouth (unlike most her toys), we still spoon-feed her and she likes it that way. As she gets older, I know we should be letting her eat on her own. One day, anak, when mommy's ready, ok? =)

- Mommy Smiley

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year Everyday Mommy!

People have various superstitions on how to conduct their affairs on New Year's Day. The belief is whatever you do will set the pattern for the year to come.

So don't fight, and pay the bills! =)

I am not superstitious, but if what we do on this day really set the pattern for the year ahead then I am glad to have spent it with my family.

On New Year's Eve, Jay, Caitlin and I spent it with Jay's family.

Before midnight, we were already huddled inside the bedroom with the windows closed to prevent the smoke from coming in. For others, that's also hindering luck from entering.

At the stroke of 12, Caitlin and I awoke at the sound of firecrackers. Jay got up ahead of us, almost expecting a startled, crying baby. But Caitlin was comforted by our presence and kept calm and quiet until the last firecracker went off.

For breakfast, it was only us three at Pancake House in Eastwood, Libis since neither Jay nor I wanted to wash the dishes but not because of the superstition. The helper was out and we were just not up to it yet.

We had my family over for lunch, and yes, we eventually washed the dishes. We then dined with friends and new acquaintances at night then called it a day by 11:00 pm.

Except for Caitlin, Jay and I didn't wear clothes with polka dots. We also didn't fill our wallets with fresh bills nor stacked up on 12 round fruits, among the many superstitious beliefs.

But whether you are strictly superstitious or only believe what you think works for you, what's important is to be with those you love.

Happy New Year Everyday Mommy!

The family that eats together, stays together.