Thursday, November 22, 2012

Pre-school homeschool

To homeschool or not to homeschool my toddler in her pre-school years was relatively an easier decision to make than choosing between sleeping and eating when you are both tired and hungry looking after your kids.

Since deciding to work from home, attending a childbirth class, choosing natural childbirth, becoming a stay-at-home mom, breastfeeding, co-sleeping, and baby wearing, the next "attachment parenting" course to take seemed obvious already. The question is no longer whether I should homeschool, but how do I do it and where can I find the needed support.

Luckily, I need not look further.

The moms of children attending classes at Kindermusik with Teacher Suzette and friends have organized a talk on Pre-school Homeschool (You can do it too).

Coming out of the two-hour talk, I just realized that I am already on the right track and that most of my worries are pointless.

Reading, singing, dancing, playing, teaching Caitlin manners, giving her daily routines, and even letting her help out in household chores are already teaching her life skills and developing her character. On top of that, we are bonding.

And that is what pre-school homeschooling is all about: relationship, routine, readiness, and reading aloud. At least that was how the author of a literature-based curriculum defined the four Rs in pre-school as quoted by event organizer Mariel Uyquiengco of The Learning Basket and a Kindermusik teacher.

Before the seminar, when I think of pre-school, I think of playschool and children as young as two being taught their ABCs, 123s, colors, and shapes. But those are only icings on the cake, said teacher Mariel.

What I picked up from the talk is that pre-school homeschooling is a play-based learning that centers on the child's relationship with the parent who helps develop her life skills such as helping out in the house, taking care of herself, or becoming independent and building her character to ready her for the world. It would also take lots of creativity and imagination on the part of the parent in teaching her child the love of learning whether it be in reading to her out loud or playing with her at home.

As I did with breastfeeding, or any other thing that concerns my kids, I will once again take pre-school homeschool one day at a time, rejoicing at little milestones and taking a breather when everything doesn't seem quite right.

My children will only be young once and I do not want to rush them out into the world. I want them to cherish their childhood. And I not only want to witness that, but I also want an active role in it.

To those who are considering homeschooling their children between ages 2 and 5 and are interested to hear how other moms do it, there will be another seminar on Dec. 1, from 9-11 am, at Medela House in New Manila for its customers. Limited seats are available for non-members. For more information, call Medela at 725-3723 or 738-6272.

- Mommy Smiley

Teacher Mariel answers parents' questions on home schooling.


  1. Wow Mommy Smiley! I didn't know you have this blog! I'm so glad that the talk gave you the confidence to acknowledge that you ARE already on the right track. :) And I love what you said about preschool homeschool as the "next step" in your attachment parenting. I believe that too!

    1. Thanks for the encourging words, Mariel. May you continue your homeschooling advocacy to empower more moms like me. =)

  2. Hello, Mommy Smiley! :) You're a mom blogger too pala! :) Thank you for your support during the preschool homeschool seminar. :D You're definitely on the right track! Enjoy preschool homeschool with your kids! :)

    God bless always!

    - Mommy Tina

    1. Thanks, Tina, and I'll look up to you too for encouragement and advice. =)
